Home Visits

Certified parent educators share research-based information through partnering, facilitating and reflecting with families during visits.  We want to guide YOU, your child’s first and forever teacher, through the early childhood journey!  Each visit is individualized to the family and child(ren) being visited, and lasts about an hour.  Most visits take place in the home where children feel most comfortable.  Through bi-monthly personal visits, parent educators and parents work together to set and reach goals related to parenting, child development, and family well-being, as well as brainstorming and problem-solving any concerns the family might have.  Parent educators will also share child development information and topics such as attachment, discipline, health, nutrition, safety, sleep, and transitions and routines will be discussed at various points, as they look different at various stages of children's development.  Family well-being factors such as strengths, capabilities, skills and resource information will also be discussed, as what impacts the family affects the child.  Each visit will include a specially-selected parent-child activity and book-sharing time.

Want to know more about getting the most out of your PAT visits?  The following suggestions are from the Parents as Teacher's National Center's Parent Page "Getting the most out of Parents as Teachers":

  • Observe your child.   You see your child every day; your parent educator visits for a short time.  Be ready to share what's new with your parent educator. 
  • Don't worry about housekeeping.  Certainly, it's helpful to have a clean space where everyone can sit on the floor, but your parent educator won't mind if there are dishes in the sink.  Relax and enjoy your personal visit.
  • Minimize distractions.  If your pet longs for attention, take him out of the room until your visit is over.  A television or radio playing in the background may make it hard for everyone to concentrate.  Save chores such as laundry or dishes for after your parent educator leaves.  You will get the most out of your time together when you give your full attention to your child and your parent educator.
  • Let your parent educator know your thoughts and feelings.  Fully participate in the partnership with your parent educator by sharing your thoughts and feelings.  Don't be embarrassed to ask any questions you might have.  Tell your parent educator your goals for your child.  Feel free to share fears or things that worry you.  Your parent educator will keep your comments confidential.
  • Follow up on recommendations.  Your parent educator will suggest activities you can do with your child between personal visits.  Have fun doing these with your child and observe his development.  If you and your parent educator form a plan for getting special services, follow the plan and make the necessary contacts.


Home Visits


Quotes from our families:

  • “I like it because I get treated with a lot of respect.”
  • “I learned that every baby does things at their own pace, each baby is different.”
  • “I now know what my child should do at each age.”